Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

Captain America is one of the most famous comic book characters and it is no wonder he was adapted a lot of times on the big screen. With all those appearances, it is hard to tell what is the best order of watching Captain America movies. That is the reason we have decided to make this article and let you know how many Captain America movies are there and what is the best order to watch them.

How many Captain America movies are there?

Currently, there are three solo Captain America movies, all part of the constantly expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. Other than that, Captain America has appeared in other MCU movies and while we won’t sort them in the main Captain America movie order, we will still let you know about them later in the article.

Captain America movies in order at a glance

Here are three Captain America MCU movies in short.

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  3. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Now, we will let you know what are those movies about and will let you know about other MCU movies in which Cap appears.

Captain America Movies in Order

At the time of this writing, there are only three Captain America movies, with Chris Evans in the lead role as Steve Rogers. So, let’s check them out and find out what are they about.

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

Captain America: The First Avenger focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe, in which Steve Rogers volunteers to participate in an experimental program that transforms him into the super-army known as Captain America.

Steve Rogers known as Captain America (Chris Evans), Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) join forces to oppose the HYDRA organization, headed by the criminal Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

In the second Captain America movie, Steve Rogers aka Captain America teams up with Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow to defeat a powerful and hitherto unknown enemy – the Winter Soldier.

Two years after the event known as The Avengers, Steve Rogers (Captain America) lives peacefully in Washington DC, trying to adapt to modern society. However, after S.H.I.E.L.D.’s actions, a compatriot is attacked and Steve becomes embroiled in a mystery that could potentially threaten the globe. Together with Natasha Romanoff, Captain America tries to uncover the secret of the mystery, but he does not expect that he will find a strong opponent on his way – the Winter Soldier.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

The Russo Brothers brought us a new chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A year has passed since the confrontation with Ultron and the Avengers are still protecting humanity from threats. Unfortunately, their way of working does not suit everyone.

After another incident involving the Avengers resulted in massive collateral damage, the US government establishes a political body to oversee and control this team of superheroes. Such a development will divide the Avengers and turn old friends into rivals. Steve Rogers still wants to protect humanity without government interference, while Tony Stark is convinced it’s time for a change. At the same time, while the Avengers are being torn apart by internal conflicts, a new threat has loomed over Earth.

Other Marvel movies that include Captain America

As probably every fan knows, Steve Rogers wasn’t only included in Captain America movies. Other than those, he appeared in all four Avengers movies, as well as had some smaller cameo roles in a few other movies. So let’s see them all in order below, including Captain America solo movies.

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Captain Marvel
  • The Avengers
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Avengers: Age Of Ultron
  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Avengers: Endgame

As you can see, Cap was one of the most important Marvel movie characters, and it is no wonder he appeared in so many MCU movies so far. But, let’s see will there be more Captain America movies in the MCU future?

Will there be more Captain America movies?

Captain America Movies in Order & How Many Are There

There will be more Captain America movies in the MCU, as the fourth movie was announced. That said, unfortunately, Steve Rogers and Chris Evans probably won’t be returning. Even if they do, they will almost certainly have some smaller cameo roles in the movie.

This time, the role of Captain America will be passed to Sam Wilson, better known to Marvel fans as Falcon. It will definitely be a different version of Captain America, but we are looking forward to seeing it.

What to expect after that in terms of Cap, well, if people accept the new Captain America well, we will certainly see more solo movies. If it doesn’t succeed at the box office, we still believe we will see more of the Cap in the team MCU movies.

Do you need to watch Captain America movies in order?

You should watch Captain America movies in order as they are following the MCU timeline. There are of course other MCU movies that you should be watching in between, but for that, you should read our article about the whole MCU in order.

Best Captain America movie

In our opinion, the best Captain America movie is Civil War. It is not hard to figure it out way, because there are so many MCU heroes that it feels like it is more of an Avenger movie than a solo Cap movie (it is not even close to the solo Captain America movie). After it, The Winter Soldier, and in the last place, one of the weakest MCU movies, The First Avenger.

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