60 Best Trigun Quotes By Stampede, Wolfwood, Knives, Bluesummers, Hornfreak & Others

Best Trigun Quotes

One of the most memorable aspects of Trigun is its memorable quotes, spoken by a diverse cast of characters such as Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Legato Bluesummers, and Meryl Stryfe. These lines are full of wisdom, humor, and emotion and continue inspiring fans today. This article will explore some of the best Trigun quotes from Stampede, Wolfwood, Knives, Bluesummers, Hornfreak, and others and examine what makes them memorable and impactful.

Trigun is a classic anime that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with its unique blend of action, drama, and humor. The series follows the adventures of Vash the Stampede, a skilled gunman with a reputation for causing destruction and chaos wherever he goes. But underneath his carefree demeanor lies a tragic past that he must confront as he navigates through a world filled with danger and violence.

Check out the best Trigun quotes, starting with the main characters.

Best Trigun Quotes By Vash the Stampede

Vash the Stampede is the lovable protagonist of Trigun, a skilled gunman with a penchant for causing destruction and chaos wherever he goes. But underneath his carefree exterior lies a complex character with a tragic past, making him one of the most compelling anime protagonists ever. Throughout the series, Vash delivers some of the most iconic and memorable lines, each revealing a new layer of his personality and adding to the depth of the story. In this part, we will explore Stampede’s ten best Trigun quotes and examine why they resonate with fans today.

“Love and peace!”

“This world is made of love and peace.”

“Even if I die, I won’t let you guys fight each other. There’s no reason to fight.”

“People, fear not. The world is still beautiful. You just have to get up and face the daylight.”

“It’s not about dying for your country, it’s about living for it.”

“If you don’t like your destiny, don’t accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be.”

“You have to love what you’re doing. It’s the only way to get through the tough times.”

“The ticket to the future is always open.”

“The future is full of infinite possibilities. You can do anything you want with your life.”

“You have to cherish the life you’re given. It’s the only one you’ve got.”

Best Trigun Quotes By Nicholas D. Wolfwood

Nicholas D. Wolfwood is one of the most memorable characters in Trigun, a skilled gunman and traveling priest who becomes a close ally of Vash the Stampede. While his tough exterior and no-nonsense attitude initially makes him seem like a foil to Vash, his deep sense of compassion and morality reveal him to be a complex and intriguing character in his own right. Throughout the series, Wolfwood delivers some of the most poignant and memorable lines, each adding to his character’s depth and complexity. In this part, we will explore Wolfwood’s ten best Trigun quotes and examine what makes them powerful and enduring.

“If you don’t like your situation, change it.”

“It’s easy to forget what’s right and wrong when you’re carrying a gun.”

“No one knows what the future holds. That’s why its potential is infinite.”

“You don’t have to save the world, but you have to try to leave it a better place than you found it.”

“The ones who change the world are the ones who care enough to try.”

“The past is the past. You can’t change it, but you can still learn from it.”

“You can’t live your life looking backwards. You have to move forward and take what comes.”

“There’s always a way to atone for your mistakes. You just have to find it.”

“We’re all just human, trying to find our place in the world.”

“You can’t judge someone by their past. You have to look at who they are now.”

Best Trigun Quotes By Millions Knives

Millions Knives is the main antagonist of Trigun, the older twin brother of Vash the Stampede and the leader of the Gung-Ho Guns. He is a complex and fascinating character, driven by a deep hatred for humanity and a desire to reshape the world in his image. Throughout the series, Knives delivers some of the most chilling and thought-provoking lines, each revealing a new layer of his twisted and dark worldview. In this part, we will explore the ten best Trigun quotes by Knives and examine what makes them unforgettable and impactful.

“The only thing we’re allowed to do is believe. We can’t change anything.”

“Humans are fragile things, and they die so easily. It’s a waste to keep them alive.”

“The world is filled with things that have no meaning. That’s why humans invented their own meanings.”

“The only way to truly live is to take risks.”

“Hatred is what gives me strength. It’s the reason I exist.”

“The strong will always prey on the weak. That’s the way of the world.”

“The only thing that matters in the end is power. Everything else is just a means to an end.”

“Those who aren’t prepared to sacrifice everything for their beliefs aren’t worth the trouble.”

“People are just animals. They need to be controlled.”

“The only way to create a better world is to destroy the old one.”

Best Trigun Quotes By Legato Bluesummers

Legato Bluesummers is a prominent antagonist in Trigun, a member of the Gung-Ho Guns, and a loyal follower of Knives Millions. Despite his cold and calculating demeanor, he is a deeply intelligent and philosophical character, and his interactions with Vash the Stampede reveal a complex and intriguing personality. Throughout the series, Bluesummers delivers some of the most thought-provoking and memorable lines, each revealing a new layer of his twisted worldview. In this part, we will explore the ten best Trigun quotes by Bluesummers and examine what makes them so haunting and impactful.

“Life is a brief moment in time, a fleeting shadow that passes quickly.”

“Human beings are like pieces of glass, so fragile and easily broken.”

“The only way to truly know someone is to understand their pain.”

“The world is full of chaos and disorder. The only way to find meaning is to impose your own order on it.”

“The true test of power is the ability to control oneself.”

“In the end, all that matters is the strength of your convictions.”

“The greatest weapon anyone can wield is the power of the mind.”

“The only way to truly understand something is to experience it firsthand.”

“The past is what shapes us, but it’s up to us to decide how we let it define us.”

“The true test of a person’s character is how they handle themselves in the face of adversity.”

Best Trigun Quotes By Midvalley the Hornfreak

Midvalley the Hornfreak is a minor antagonist in Trigun, a member of the Gung-Ho Guns and a skilled warrior with a twisted sense of humor. Despite his relatively small role in the series, he delivers some of the most memorable and hilarious lines, often as a foil to Vash the Stampede and his allies. In this part, we will explore the ten best Trigun quotes by Hornfreak and examine what makes them so entertaining and iconic.

“There’s nothing wrong with violence, as long as it’s for a good cause!”

“All I want is to be remembered as the greatest swordsman who ever lived!”

“It’s not the size of the weapon that matters, it’s how you use it!”

“I may be a killer, but I’m not a bad guy!”

“I don’t have any friends, only victims!”

“I love the sound of breaking bones in the morning!”

“I’ll take down anyone who gets in my way, no matter how big or small they are!”

“I’m not afraid of death. In fact, I welcome it with open arms!”

“There’s no greater pleasure in life than the thrill of the hunt!”

“I’m not a monster, I’m just a guy who likes to have fun!”

Best Trigun Quotes By Other Characters

Trigun is a series filled with a diverse and memorable cast of characters, each adding to the story’s richness and depth. While Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Legato Bluesummers, and Knives Millions are the most well-known characters, the other characters in the series also deliver some of the most memorable and poignant lines. This part will explore the ten best Trigun quotes by characters other than Stampede, Wolfwood, Knives, Bluesummers, and Hornfreak and examine what makes them powerful and enduring.

“There are two things that can never be taken away from you: your memories and your dreams.” – Rem Saverem

“The only thing we can do is believe in ourselves. Even if we don’t have much, we can still give everything we’ve got.” – Brad

“The best way to understand someone is to fight them.” – Rai-Dei the Blade

“The only time a warrior is defeated is when they give up on themselves.” – Hoppered the Gauntlet

“It doesn’t matter how strong you are. If you don’t have a reason to fight, you’ll never win.” – Dominique the Cyclops

“There’s no such thing as a happy ending. All there is, is the next chapter.” – Legato Bluesummers’ Brother

“In this world, everything is governed by balance. There’s what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose.” – Livio the Double Fang

“The world is full of things we can’t control. All we can do is our best.” – Meryl Stryfe

“The only thing worse than a liar is a coward.” – Chapel the Evergreen

“In the end, the only person we can truly rely on is ourselves.” – Zazie the Beast


  • Mitchel Pemberton

    As a movie geek, I loved ranking movies, shows, anime, and fictional characters with my friends. Writing about them now is a dream come true for me.

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